Why Advertisers Are Capitalizing On Content Marketing

In a study conducted by Curata Inc., advertisers were asked to rank the top reasons they are utilizing content marketing to benefit their business. Here are the top 6 majority ranks:

#6 Decrease cost of acquisition for new customers

#5 Increase SEO and web traffic

#4 Establish/sustain thought leadership

#3 Boost brand awareness

#2 Engage customers/buyers/influencers

#1 Drive sales and/or leads

Key Insight: Across the industry it is becoming more and more apparent that the benefits of strategic content marketing are absolutely a real thing. It’s not just the big brands testing the method of content marketing anymore, it’s a philosophy being adopted by all brands – well at least the ones who want to be successful. Content can truly make or break a business, so be sure your on the winning side. View more of our content marketing tips here: Marketing Tips

Sources: Curata Inc., MarketingCharts.com

Quote of the Day: “Content isn’t king. It’s the kingdom.” – Lee Odden