Are You Cashing In On These Email Optimization Tactics?
Mobile usage is continuing to skyrocket and recently, mobile’s share of email opens surpassed that of those who open emails via desktop. As more users are accessing email via their smartphones, marketers are realizing the importance of optimizing for mobile, though many are not actually doing so. Below are the top email optimization tactics and the percentage of marketers employing said tactic:
[related post=”5420″ display=”half-right”]- 80% are creating engaging and captivating content
- 72% are personalizing email messages
- 61% are segmenting their email marketing lists
- 55% are integrating their email strategy with other marketing tactics
- 42% are utilizing social media to engage with their subscribers
- 41% are testing and adjusting their email marketing
- 30% are utilizing auto response techniques
- but only 28% are actually optimizing email for mobile devices.
Key Insight: Adjust your optimization strategy to not only include mobile-friendly emails, but start with this element first and then work through the rest of your tactics. Why? Because if your email does not provide the user with an easy, streamlined mobile experience, none of the other tactics will even matter, as the user will not engage with the email long enough to appreciate the other elements. Mobile should always come first when approaching email marketing.
Sources: emarketer, Ascend2
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