5 Top Tips to Get More Website Conversions

Effective Methods to Drive More Conversions

Written by guest contributor Lucy Davis

If you have a website for your business, your main digital strategy will no doubt be to get as many conversions as you possibly can. The more time, money and effort that you put into your website, the more successful you would think it would be.

However, if you are not utilizing the best conversion methods, in terms of your web page layout, user experience (UX) and other key conversions strategies then you probably aren’t getting the most out of your website. If you are getting large volumes of traffic to your website but very little conversions, that’s a big indicator that you need to change tactics.

Here are some of the most effective methods to start driving more conversions from your website:

A Compelling Call to Action Button

If you want to get conversions, you need to give your website visitors clear instructions of what you want them to do. So, if you want them to call your number or subscribe to your newsletter, your call to action (CTA) needs to clearly show that.

A good CTA stands out on your web page, using good color contrast and clever positioning. It should be displayed clearly, somewhere near the top of the page. If it’s further down the page and people need to scroll to find it, it won’t have the same impact.

Top Notch Content

If your content is a bit drab and doesn’t have any punch, it’s not going to convince people to use your business. Creating engaging, high-quality content will have a much stronger impact on showing that your business is the best one. Use your content to showcase your expertise and add value for your users.

You can do this by creating content that people who typically use your services or products would search for. For example, if you sell hairdressing products, you could add a video that talks people through how they can create a particular hairstyle, perhaps mentioning a product that you of course can supply. But the key aspect is that the content is useful to the user rather than feeling like a hard sell.

Trustworthy Testimonials

Nothing convinces people that they want a product quite like seeing that everyone else wants that same product. Seeing that a product has been bought many times shows people that the item is popular, and if they are deliberating over a product, that can be enough to convince them to buy it.

Showing displaying counters on your website to say how many times a product has been bought is good for conversion rates. Similarly, reading fantastic reviews about a product will help to persuade consumers to make that purchase or call you to book your services. Video testimonials are a really effective form of marketing for high conversion rates.

Great Visuals

For some products, images sell the product for you. If you are selling something that can be displayed through high-quality, engaging pictures, make sure you use your images well. Food is a really good image to use, providing you choose a good image. Or maybe if you run a business that renovates homes, before and after photos could work really well.

Images have a great power to draw attention and convince people of the quality of the work or product they will get. People like to see what they are getting before they commit to a purchase.

High Performance Levels

A slow loading website or slow loading page can really hurt your conversion rates. If a page takes a long time to load, people will leave your website quickly. Anything over a few seconds to load, and they will be off to another website to make that purchase or book services.

A hosting plan dictates how well your website performs. A decent web host will provide a fast server, which will give you the foundations to get high conversion rates.


Lucy has a passion for content marketing and everything WordPress related. She loves the creative side of design and the techy side of coding sites for her clients.