Let’s Avoid Making the Cover of Morons on Parade
Having the news media interview your company spokesperson sounds like a fantastic opportunity, right? What many don’t realize though, interviews are not to be taken lightly and should be viewed as a business transaction.
So, why even do an interview? What is the value? Trained, company spokespersons need to lean on their PR team to help navigate the waters. Hint… here’s what they’re weighing when bringing an interview opportunity to you.
Why should you do an interview?
• Opportunity to share your key messages
• Product / industry education
• Communication in a crisis
• Business leaders are expected to be available
• Visibility amongst competition
Great. You decide to do the interview. But, a common misunderstanding is you need to conduct an interview on the spot… at the very moment you pick up the call from a journalist. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are rare circumstances when an interview is done on the fly. Those scenarios are likely during a crisis, and even then, the spokespeople have been trained to communicate in sensitive situations and are fully briefed on the known events.
Preparation is key for any interaction with the press, and spokespersons and PR professionals understand this. If you remember and follow these Five “Ps and R” for interviews you will increase your success rate in communicating your core messaging.
Five Ps and R
PREDICT – what the interview will cover
PLAN – your approach
PREPARE – your response
PRACTICE – your answers
PERSONALIZE – your responses
RELAX – breathe… and be human
When it’s all said and done, remember… let’s avoid being on the cover of Morons on Parade.