What To Test For When Creating A Winning Email Marketing Campaign

Below is a list of the elements the best email marketers test when preparing to launch a new email campaign.

72% test their subject lines

61% test the message / content of their email

50% test the creative and call to actions within their email

46% test the day of the week which their emails are sent out

39% test the time of the day in which their email is sent

34% test the personalization of their email

32% test the landing page in which users are migrated to

30% test the target audiences which receive their emails

26% test the from line of their emails

15% test the mobile version of the layout & images in their emails

Key Insight: Get ahead of the game and start ramping up your mobile version testing to ensure you provide optimal UX for the majority of your readers accessing your content via smart phones.

Sources: Marketo Definitive Guide to Engaging Email Marketing, MarketingCharts.com and MarketingLand.com


“If you’re not putting out relevant content in relevant places, you don’t exist” – Gary Vaynerchuk