
The Next Generation of Healthcare Trends and How They Impact Your Organization’s Growth Strategies

It’s often said that our future rests with the next generation. Why not start tailoring our healthcare services and marketing strategies to their needs now? By understanding how to better serve and reach children entering the healthcare system, you can continue to be a leading authority in your industry rather than play catch up. 

Children Healthcare Trends in 2022

We know you have questions about the latest trends in the healthcare industry and how you can use them to your advantage, and we’ve got the answers you need. Keep reading to learn about how COVID-19 has impacted the management of children’s health, the driving factors for over-the-counter medicine purchases, how consumers have become more aware of the ingredients they’re putting in their children’s bodies, and the focus on protecting children’s mental health.

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Children’s Health Management?

When the pandemic hit, each segment of our population was affected – especially children. Children’s mental and physical health suffered as they experienced unprecedented disruptions to every aspect of their lives including their school, home and social environments. As parents grappled with these changes and tried to protect their children from ailments, they adopted a new attitude about their child’s health, and many expanded their scope of “wellness” to include mental health, nutrition and diet along with physical health. 

Now that they’re paying attention to all aspects of their children’s health, you can expect many parents to take a much more aggressive approach to preserving it. Armed with research and awareness, they will hold healthcare to a higher standard. 

What Are the Driving Factors for Over-The-Counter Medicine Purchases?

With parents more on guard than ever to protect their children’s health, they’ve taken a much more proactive approach to ensure good health. While we’ve had a relatively calm cold and flu season the past couple of years, there has been a 7% spike in purchases of cold, allergy, cough and nasal remedies leading it to take the lead of the market share sitting at 34%. We can assume that parents are more sensitive to symptoms because of the pandemic and are taking every measure possible to keep their children from getting sick or worsening. In fact, sales of children’s OTC health remedies were estimated to be around $2.95 billion for 2021, an increase of 17.3% from the prior year. 

Not only are parents working to treat symptoms they’ve already noticed, but they’re also working to boost their child’s immune system before they have an opportunity to get sick. As a part of these preventative measures, adults are purchasing products with a focus on boosting immunity. Roughly half of parents reported that they regularly give their children multivitamins to help maintain their good health. 

What Do Parents Want to See on the Ingredient List?

It’s all about balance. While parents are still interested in products with natural ingredients, they don’t want to take any chances – products with proven medicinal components are becoming increasingly popular in a time when consumers want to feel assured in their OTC medicine purchases. For brands to succeed in this uncertain territory, they need to bridge the gap between natural and engineered ingredients. 

What is the Latest Push in Children’s Healthcare?

Children Healthcare Trends in 2022

Something that has become increasingly evident over the years is that we must take a more holistic approach to treating children’s health. In order to keep the next generation healthy for years to come, we need to address mental health along with physical health. According to the CDC, early diagnosis and intervention services for children and their families can have a significant impact on the mental health of children as they grow.

We’re now shifting from adapting to the new normal to finding the next normal, and during this time children are going to need more access to mental health support than ever. After two years of social disruption, parents will be looking for resources such as mindfulness apps, familiar stress management ingredients such as turmeric and chamomile, and OTC products that can help them mitigate their children’s stress and anxiety levels. 

How Can the Latest Health Trends Inform My Services and Marketing Strategy?

We’re glad you asked. Brands looking to better serve a younger demographic while catering to their parents’ rising expectations should: 

  • Focus on stress and anxiety remedies that help put kids at ease throughout the transition into post-pandemic life.
  • Offer additional mental health support to prospective patients in the way of mindfulness apps or screen-free solutions that are geared to reach different age groups such as elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, and high schoolers.
  • Create on-the-go solutions for parents who are getting back to normal life but still want to proactively manage their child’s health.
  • Use parents’ increased interest in multivitamins as a springboard to launch vitamin blends that go beyond a general multivitamin to treat specific health concerns such as immune health or sleep health.
  • Tailor your message to dads. Our research shows that moms are more likely to be swayed by natural ingredients while dads are taking a more active role in their children’s health and are likely to take a more holistic approach and be swayed by mainstream brands and products. 

Want to learn more about upcoming healthcare trends, and how our experience and expertise can support your organization’s initiatives? We’re just a phone call away. Contact Ariana Duran, Agency Growth Manager, at 407-833-6810 to schedule a coffee chat.