
Is It Time for Your Credit Union to Hire an Advertising Agency?

What a Credit Union Marketing Agency Can Mean for You

As fintech firms and big brand names expand into the financial industry, the stakes for credit union marketing have been raised higher than ever before. These developments have left many credit union marketers wondering, “Should I call in reinforcements?”

If you’ve been considering bringing an advertising agency on board to support your credit union marketing, here are a few things to think about.

Why Hire an Ad Agency

Get Professionals on Your Team ­

There are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes of a great advertising campaign. It takes a team of strategists, copywriters, art directors, social media experts, media buyers and account managers, just to name a few, to produce the campaign with the 30-second TV spot that caught your eye last night. Hiring an ad agency gets a team of proven professionals on your side, and the pros of working with pros don’t end there.

Dedicated Resources

Agencies, especially ones that have been fighting the good fight for some time, have systems in place for concepting, deploying and monitoring campaigns. That means every member of your agency team will be fully trained and experienced in what it takes to run a successful ad campaign. Yes, they will be able to craft messaging, produce creative, and buy media, but they will also be able to track effectiveness, analyze outcomes, and the best are now equipped to make adjustments in real time.

Save Time and Money ­

While hiring an ad agency is an investment, outsourcing all or part of your marketing efforts may help streamline your operations and cut back on some costs. You may still have a need for an in-house team to manage and/or communicate with your agency but partnering with a creative agency can replace a number of in-house roles. With the teams and systems we mentioned earlier in place, agencies run like well-oiled machines, which means your projects may be completed faster than with limited in-house resources.

How to Find the Right Agency for Your Credit Union

Not all agencies are created equal, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the best agency for your credit union. The right choice depends on your institution’s specific needs and objectives, but that doesn’t mean you have to go through this process alone.

Look for an agency willing to get to know those needs and objectives before any contract is signed. At evok, for example, this introduction period is a two-way street—we want to know we’re a good fit for your organization, and that you are a good fit for ours. We think this is the true path to success.

As you start your search, there are a few other agency characteristics to add to your checklist. Look for an agency with:

  • Experience working with credit unions and/or in the financial industry
  • A willingness to learn and/or understanding of your goals as a credit union, both short- and long-term
  • Flexibility and accountability, an agency willing and able to work with your timelines and budget
  • A human touch—you want an agency that makes you feel comfortable and confident in your partnership

So, is it time to hire an ad agency for your credit union? We can’t answer that question for you, but we’re here to help if you need it.