
There’s a new segment of patients on the healthcare marketing radar, and it’s up to the providers to align with their demands. Gen Z, also known as the tech-savvy, education-driven, advocates of our time, is making a mark in the world with a spending power of over $143 billion.

So, what does this mean for healthcare providers? With the oldest Gen Z’er reaching 24 years old, they’re quickly aging out of pediatrics and heading toward the road to independence. While their share in the healthcare market is small right now, the upcoming opportunities for providers are big. As your healthcare marketing team searches for revenue-driving strategies, here are a few things to keep in mind about the generation of tomorrow.

How Gen Z Defines Health

Unworried and invincible—that’s how Gen Z perceives themselves and their health status. As these young adults adapt to the real world, they put their health on the back burner as they focus on pursuing higher education, starting a career, and maintaining a strong social life.

That’s not to say health isn’t a priority for this generation. In fact, Gen Z has a strong desire to be healthy. They are generally active, seek sustainable and organic alternatives, and overall, value holistic wellness.

The definition of health is everchanging for these 18- to 24-year olds. For them, health is not a matter of meeting with their doctor once a year for an annual checkup; rather, it’s making everyday behavioral changes to better their overall health both physically and mentally. This could mean variations of eating well, working out, managing stress, skin and hair care, and even meditating.

Helping Gen Z Become Who They Want to Be

While juggling these healthy behaviors sounds ideal, it doesn’t necessarily mean Gen Z finds them attainable. By setting such high standards for a healthy lifestyle, sometimes means they fall short in achieving them.

Despite their awareness for health, Gen Z’ers are guilty of taking part in unhealthy behaviors like drinking alcohol, eating junk food, and vaping. So, many of them can acknowledge that they are health-conscious beings but not necessarily healthy as a whole. This has created a gap between who they are and who they want to be when it comes to their health goals. That’s where healthcare providers have a window of opportunity to help them understand the importance of seeking care and attaining a healthy lifestyle.

What Does This Mean for Healthcare Providers?

Gen Zers are still discovering who they are while navigating the ways of adulthood. This gives healthcare providers a chance to be the resource Gen Z needs to shape their values. But this will take more than hounding the young crowd to book an appointment or sending out monthly mailers to inform them about your healthcare services. Providers need to push convenience, flexibility, and transparency, and one of the best ways to reach this audience is through the digital realm.

Gen Z Craves Flexibility

Generation Z is full of motivated individuals who are moving full speed ahead toward their goals in work and school. When it comes to meeting with a healthcare provider, they want it to seamlessly mold into everyday life without causing disruption. That’s why Gen Z values flexibility when it comes to making their healthcare decisions. They want to meet with their doctors on their time and book appointments with little to no wait.

Gen Z Prefers Integrated Technology

As a generation raised on phones, tablets, and computers, it’s no secret that technology is an expectation for Gen Z when interacting with their healthcare provider. This audience wants the power to set up, cancel and reschedule appointments at the touch of a button. Similarly, they want the same treatment when it comes to renewing prescriptions, checking prescription statuses, and accessing their own medical records online. That’s why many healthcare providers are turning to patient portals to make the process more attractive for this young audience.

Gen Z Wants Transparency

Time and again, Gen Z and Millennials have voiced their dissatisfaction with the healthcare industry and its lack of transparency when it comes to the cost of care, treatment effectiveness, and responsiveness to post-appointment questions. The feeling of being unheard is discouraging Gen Z to commit to a primary care provider. Instead, they are turning to alternative options that are quicker, more affordable, and easier to access. If healthcare providers want to market toward Gen Z, then they must break down these barriers by reintroducing trust and transparency into traditional care.

Gen Z Desires Convenience

Convenience reigns king for Gen Z’ers. In a world where Amazon Prime and fast food delivery are the norms, this generation settles for nothing less than quick and easy. When it comes to healthcare, they expect the same level of care that any other brand is willing to offer. But unlike Boomers, Gen Z is willing to share data in exchange for a more convenient experience, making it easier for healthcare providers to understand this audience and personalize the experience based on their preferences.

Redefining Healthcare Marketing

Alongside Millennials, Gen Z is changing the way healthcare brands operate. From integrating voice search optimization to implementing patient portals, these are the marketing tools that drive revenue for the up-and-coming generations. Just a few shifts in your digital marketing game can rid the need for a waiting room and allow you to confidently tell your patients, “your doctor will see you now.”